The Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a collaborative relationship between Association of Nepalese Alumni from Australia (ANAA) and The Association of Australian Education Representatives in Nepal (AAERI NEPAL). Both parties in this MOU shall agree to maintain cooperation and support for the mutual growth of both the associations. AANA and AAERI NEPAL will agree to assist each other associations whenever requested for the organizing of events that may seem beneficial for both sides. Assistance can be in the form of financial, member participation or even simple guidance. AAERI NEPAL will invite the members of ANAA for University Network Meet programs where agendas of Alumni Engagement programs will be highlighted. AANA will assist AAERI NEPAL in the development of “Australian Information Center”
Both parties agree to respect the identity and purpose of each association and commit to perform all activities with the highest of ethical manner. AAERI NEPAL & AANA will make a joint effort in the development and execution of “Come Back Home” Campaign. Both the parties – AANA and AAERI NEPAL will agree to share an event calendar where both will plan and assist each other in organizing the following events
a) Pre departure session for the students (Twice a year)
b) Cultural Exchange program. (At least once a year)